
Complaints may be made both BY the guest, and AGAINST the guest by the Property (such as leaving without payment).

Typically complaints fall into one of the following categories:

Service Related Complaints: Are usually associated with the hotel service. The guest may experience a problem with hotel services and may be dissatisfied.

Attitude Complaints: Associated with attitudes and behavior.

Mechanical Complaints: Deal with equipment problems within the hotel. Most guest complaints here are related to hotel equipment malfunctions.

Unusual Complaints: These may be those that the hotel has no control over such as the weather, traffic, or transportation.

Room Related Complaints: These can occur due to room category booked vs assigned, old mattresses, poor view, noisy room, poor linen, or even bad lighting in the room.

Complaints Due to Food and Beverage: A guest may complain about the hotel due to the reason of food and beverage not being up to their expectations.


Any complaints made can be entered into Skyware Systems and recorded for future reference, and a complaint made is shown in the Guest Status.

It is EASY to recognize a guest that has made a complaint or has a complaint against them.

Skyware Systems allows you to see the Guest Status quickly and easily from the local tool bar of any search or account screen (such as the Main Folio screen, Guest Information screen, or Group Account screen), using the Guest Status icon, which comes in three different versions.

Green, smiley face: This Status icon indicates everything is good with this particular Guest.

Green smiley face icon

Yellow, unsmiling face: This icon indicates that there is a complaint associated with the particular guest. If the status icon is displayed as part of a list, hovering over the icon will pop up a quick link indicating what the complaint is and when it was made.

Yellow unsmiling face icon

Red, frowning face: This icon indicates a severe issue with the guest and that this guest should NOT be rented to (i.e. the Guest has a DNR against them). Again, hovering over this icon in a list will pop up with why.

Red frowning face icon

From a local tool bar, clicking on the icon will open the Complaints screen for that particular Guest account.

Local tool bar from main folio screen with guest status icon selected

The Guest status icon may also be found in many of the search screens which list Guests, as a quick visual indication of the particular Guest's current standing.

Section of guest list showing guest status icon




Date Updated May 06, 2021