White Holds

White Holds are functions not yet attached to a particular Group booking, and are a temporary hold on the space involved. These are tentative or prospective bookings that are used to show someone is interested in using your facility or rooms on a specific date. White Holds are used with the Function Book and can be placed on the calendar to show that someone is interested in using the room at that particular time, or to indicate that a particular room may be reserved at a later date, however a White Hold does NOT prevent the space being reserved by someone else (is a lesser hold than a definite or tentative hold). A White Hold can be subsequently attached to a Group booking as a function, or can be removed and replaced by a different function at any time.

Generating a White Hold is very similar to generating a Function, and the White Hold Screen appears very similar to the Function Screen. The White Hold command in the Sales and Catering Module Menu opens the White Hold screen.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at  Sales@SkywareSystems.com.


Note: A White Hold may be added DIRECTLY to the Function book USING the Function book screen, by DOUBLE CLICKING on the appropriate time slot. This opens the White Hold screen and will allow you to add a White Hold to that time slot, if desired. Using the Function Book to add the White Hold is recommended as it allows you to see if there is currently a White Hold or other Function scheduled for the desired space/time, preventing any potential double booking. (Multiple White Holds can be placed for the same space/time as they are a temporary and tentative hold only).



When selected the White Holds screen will open.

White Holds screen example

The White Holds screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured White Holds for the Property and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a White Hold for the Property.

Note: HISTORICAL White Holds (those scheduled for the past) cannot be altered. To edit a White Hold it MUST be scheduled for some time in the future.

Opening this screen from the Function Book assumes that you are adding a NEW White Hold.


All required fields for generating a White Hold are included on the General tab of the White Holds screen, which is the tab automatically displayed when reaching the screen, and your Function Types, Function Rooms and Function Room Setups choices are generated using the Sales and Catering Configuration Menu. You may edit these to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.




Date Updated June 15, 2021