Create a Reservation - Quick

Creating a reservation in the Skyware system can be done in two ways. You can use the Quick Reservation screen or the Advanced Reservation wizard, depending on which method you prefer.

The Quick Reservation screen uses a single form with entry fields for date, rate, guest, and payment information, allowing you to enter all of the necessary information on one screen.  

To access the Quick Reservation screen, you can click the Reservation icon from the Action Bar,


Select Reservations from the Quick Menu, then click Reservation.

The Quick Reservation screen is divided into sections for entering Basic Reservation Information, Accommodation Information, Guest Information, and Payment Information.  These sections are described below.

When you have filled in the form fields, click the Finish button at the top of the form. This creates the reservation and applies a RESV status to the folio.

After clicking Finish to create the reservation, the Stay Information for the guest appears.

If you need additional options, click the Advanced Reservation button at the top of the screen to open the Advanced Reservation wizard.

Basic Information: Select the Arrival Date, Departure Date, number of Adults, Youths, and Children.  You can also attach a Company if the guest is associated with company that has a Negotiated Rate.   

Accommodations: Select the appropriate Rate Type (Tariff), Building (if your property has building logic set up), Room Type, Number of Rooms, Room Number/Rate, and attach a Package if appropriate.  

New or Existing Guest: When selecting the guest for this reservation/stay, you can search for and select the guest from all of the guests that have been entered into your system, or you can create a new guest record.

It is recommended if you are not sure if a guest is in your system to search for them first.  You want to avoid creating multiple guest records for the same person.

To search for a guest, click the Search icon (magnifying glass) located to the right of the Last Name field. Then enter the search criteria (last name, first name, phone number, etc) and click Search.  

Remember that entering less information will give you a broader search. For example entering "Th" in the last name field will show all of the last names that begin with "Th".  If the system finds the appropriate guest, click the Select button to the left of the guests name.

If your search does not find the guest, or you are confident that the guest does not exist in your database, you must create the guest to apply the reservation.

To create a new guest record click the Create New Guest icon (blank page) button located to the right of the Last Name field. Fill in the name, address, and other requested information, and click Save Guest.

Pay Method, Travel Agent, and Comments: Enter how the guest will be paying for their changes, attach a travel agent if applicable, and enter any comments about this stay.  If your property has a credit card swipe interface, with your cursor resting in the "Enter Card Swipe" field, swipe the credit card (special hardware is required for this feature) and the appropriate card information will be populated in the credit card fields.

NOTE: When entering a credit card number do not include any spaces, slashes, or dashes

Change Rates

Provided rates have been set up at your property for the date range of the stay, this screen will display the rates by day, based on the room type selected.  The rates can be modified by day, or enter a rate in the Set All column and click Set to update all days with that rate.