Configure Menu Items for POS - General

The Menu Items command on the POS Maintenance menu allows you to add (and remove) menu items from the system.

Each menu item has two sets of properties to configure and two different tabs for doing this:

This help topic covers the configuration items in the General Tab. See Configure Menu Items for POS Interface for information on using the Point of Sale (POS) tab.

NOTE: All available menu items for all restaurants must be added to this list. You will associate each item with each restaurant using the Point of Sale (POS) tab after the item is added.

Select Menu Items from the Menu Items Setup section of the Point of Sale (POS) Maintenance menu.

Year of birth can now be required for a POS item (usually alcohol of some kind). You can add this also in the Point of Sale (POS) Maintenance - POS Tab

By default, the General tab appears. You MUST create and save each new menu item on this tab before continuing with other configuration. In addition, the top part of the General tab must be completed and saved before the bottom part of the tab can be edited.

The Menu Items Maintenance General tab has two sides:

The left side of the screen lists the already configured menu items.

The right side contains the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a menu item in the system.

To get started, you can do any of the following:

Complete the fields as described below and then click Save. You MUST save each new item before continuing with configuration.

When you are finished adding or editing the top section of the menu item, click the Save button to save the changes. You MUST save the changes before continuing.

To REMOVE an item from the list, select the item from the list on the left and click the Delete button from the toolbar. This removes the item from the system.

NOTE: The Food Types and Units of Measure properties located in the bottom section of the General Tab are used for the Sales and Catering system in Skyware, not for the POS system. Since the Menu Items list for both systems is the same, you may see some configuration in these fields for existing items. However, they do not pertain to the POS system currently.

For more information on the Sales and Catering system and its configuration, see Sales and Catering - Overview.